Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story
Our Band

Thursday Dec 25, 2014
Thursday Dec 25, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Eleven: Between a rock and a hard place!Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGMerry Christmas!Join our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) Try to free the last of the Land Vetter...Quote: "Stay with the Class""Don't touch my pole!""She's a master baiter!"

Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
It must be the END!!!!!!! Actually guys Sorry we don't have an episode for you this week, due to family obligations we couldn't get together to game Thanksgiving weekend, but we shall endeavor to activate our Loyalty virtue and bring you two episodes next week. One of those being our Q&A episode so if you have any last minute questions shoot us and an email toscionherotogod@outlook.comand we'll read them on the air.Thanks!

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Seven: Please no flash photography! Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) Continue their journey across Iceland making a saga of their own!Quote:'Oh My God were such horrible people!''We're getting cheese from the fancy part of the store''That's an epic amount of ouch!'Character sheets now up under 'Characters' tab at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/

Monday Oct 27, 2014
Monday Oct 27, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Four: Where are the boys?Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) A week after Bryn was body checked by a land Vettir, the ladys come back from the hospital to something amiss at the hotel!

Friday Oct 24, 2014
Friday Oct 24, 2014
Npc spotlight ThreeThis Exchange between the Bands mysterious new Giantess Antagonists that takes place before the Band of Scions touched down in Iceland, the dawn before Chapter One. Who are these sisters Falda & Amalia? What are they searching for? Tune in soon and find out!

Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Thursday Oct 23, 2014
Sorry listeners due to scheduling issues our group missed its usual gaming night so until we meet this weekend (Oct 26th) I wont be able to post any real play content, but I wanted to give you guys something, plus i'll be posting an NPC spot light Sunday of where the Nithing poles, runed magic poles that are ensorcelling the great land spirits and driving them to the four dark virtues of the Titans, have come fromand who is wielding them against Icelands guardians. We hope to hear from all of you on iTunes or at Scionherotogod@outlook.com Thanks for listening!Jim

Thursday Oct 16, 2014
Thursday Oct 16, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Three: From the eagle to the Sea!Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGOur Bands of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) Travel on eagles wings and suffer an almost 'crushing' defeat at the hands of the next Land Vettir. Enjoy this extra long episode! Quote: Why don't we just go to the store!

Thursday Sep 18, 2014
Thursday Sep 18, 2014
A Godly Thing: Chapter Six: Never bet against your Father!Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. We continue our Scions Second StoryChapter Six: Never bet against your Father!Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGOur Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) as we watch Frost and Ullr take on the waves of this unnaturally rough sea with his fathers skies and Frosts boating skills while Bryn sets up the epic, some would say Über beach party! Along with a special guest Jimmy... Well you'll have to listen to find out.We also get a look into Silver tongue studios and Fate binding 101!Quote: " He gives you the 'Way to go Bro' two finger salute!"Happy Thor's Day!Check out our new site: creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com

Friday Aug 29, 2014
Friday Aug 29, 2014
Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. We begin our Scions Second StoryChapter Three: Club, Concert and Fireworks!Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGOur Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) as we're on the verge of vengeance for Vidar and rocking Americas birthday Scion style!"That's what we have children for, to fetch dice!"

Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Happy Thor's Day!Where taking Thor Fishing...We're gonna need a bigger BOAT!We begin our Scions Second StoryChapter Two: Where taking Thor Fishing...We're gonna need a bigger BOAT!Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGOur Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) Pull up to the boat docks for their second crack at fishing, lets hope the boat returns in better shape!