Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story
Places of note

Thursday Aug 04, 2016

Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
Gini Koch got to spend some time with the CPPN and chat about her writing trials and tribulations and her newest books Plush Life and the Kickstartered Mech!
Gini Koch writes the fast, fresh and funny Alien/Katherine "Kitty" Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series.
(reposted from http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/)

Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Saturday Apr 23, 2016
Mech: Age of Steel!
Tales of giant mechs by Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, Graham McNeill, Gini Koch, Peter Clines, Jason Hough & Ramez Naam and more! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jmmartin/mech-age-of-steel-anthology
Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game
A card-based cooperative roleplaying game for adventurers of all levels! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/toddmedema/expedition-the-roleplaying-card-game
Let us know if you enjoy this type of episode or heck, if theirs any kickstarter you think is cool and want to share!

Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Who are the Hoddmimis holt Foundation? where are the Lif and Lifbrasir facilities? What are their true plans?

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Who is the voice on the Recording? Who has the abilities to observe the group? what is 'The Cause'? What does it mean for the Band?Let us know your thoughts? Scion questions survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YGR995Sand also check out our general Survey for the CPPN: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KXHSCFL

Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Awkward Family moments...As Trixie parties like its the night before Ragnarok, she runs into more awkward family moments.....

Thursday Dec 24, 2015

Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Thursday Dec 17, 2015
Spotlight: Kane, introspection of Ascension
what happens to Kane in the halls of Asgard as he metamorphoses into a

Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
With the conclusion of our last adventure our hero's Divine Icor has ignited and they are full fledged Demi-Gods now increasing in power and legend! We also cover how the worlds changed with 'the Heart of Winter' calling out to the JotansHammer and the sundering of an extensive 'Tiny Town' under Fargo, ND!
Happy Holidays!
In Norse mythology, Fimbulvetr (or fimbulvinter), commonly rendered in English as Fimbulwinter, is the immediate prelude to the events of Ragnarök. It simply means ''Mighty Winter".
as as a side note: In Denmark, Norway, Sweden and other Nordic countries, the term fimbulvinter is still used to refer to an unusually cold and harsh winter.

Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Thursday Dec 03, 2015
Jim Trent, creator of steampunk card game, Twisted Skies, from Mad Raven Productionsis a great guy who has been in the gaming industry for many years and has a ton of knowledge from making games for various companies including Wizards of the coast.http://www.teslacon.com/http://www.madravenproductions.com/"Thats magic folks!".