Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story
Places of note

Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
just isn't in the budget? Don't give up, don't go broke, build it yourself. How to source materials, what to do with them once you have them. Painting techniques, foam construction, how to use home depot buckets to build armor.

Thursday Nov 26, 2015
Thursday Nov 26, 2015
The first part can be seen in video form HERE in our youtube channel!How do they keep coming up with new and entertaining ways to kill fictional characters?Guests: Yvonne Navarro, Weston Ochse, Seanan Mcguire, Eric Flint and James Breen.

Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Tucson Comoicon Panel: Writer workshophttps://www.celtx.com/index.htmlhttps://www.createspace.com/https://www.nookpress.com/http://www.blurb.com/http://readycomics.com/http://www.goodreads.com/http://www.screeningroomtucson.com/At the end is a Great interviews with Terry L Smith & Gini Koch!
Star People Legacyhttps://www.facebook.com/terry.l.smith.568?fref=tshttp://tlsmith-sfauthor.blogspot.com/https://www.facebook.com/Gini.Kochhttp://ginikoch.com/Alexander Outland: Space Pirate

Thursday Nov 05, 2015
Thursday Nov 05, 2015
It's Alive! Bringing your Cosplay to life!From TusCon 42 in Tucson, Our friends Jenn Lopez & Amber Martin as they cover their tips and tricks to kicking your Cosplay to the next level!

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Character Spotlight: Trixie, Not all Glory glitters like gold!Learn what happens to Trixie in the halls of Asgard as she metamorphoses into a Demi-god!

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play white wolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). The groups getting to mix it up with the elves, dwarves and the giants and ...who are those guys...Quotes:'Fate of the world Ma!'"Give it to Kane he's scary!''Hello!''No....''All of a sudden...''Same Shit Different day!'

Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Thursday Oct 22, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play white wolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). The groups getting to mix it up with the elves, dwarves and the giants and ...who are those guys...Quotes:'How good of you to join us!''An interesting couple f days...''The end of the world!''Ewwww the boy is here!''I'm gonna kill me a fearie!'I will have orange juice, Thank you!' 'Kane!'

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Tuesday Oct 13, 2015
Reposted from Creative play and podcast networkWe got to sit down At Rincon and play in the Texas Hold'Em with Zombies Tournament at Rincon and Oh Boy we had a blast! And a few zombies got shot in the head! Kellie took home the Tournament and the nickname 'The Full House Bandito!' after pulling 3 Full houses that night and the rare Bandito bear item card who cleaned us out of a lot of chips!http://www.texasholdemwithzombies.com/This game is a lot of fun and the Guys behind Survival Games are a fantastic group of fun and energetic guys who love what they do and it shows!Wecan't wait to get to hang out again at Tucson ComiCon and Wild wild West Con!

Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
For the First 11 minutes I'm being Zombified by the Tucsn Zombies! If you'd like to see the transformation check it i out in super fast time lapse here:https://youtu.be/sNxYIG7u0WcGreat shout outs for BookMans, Tucson Comicon, Tucson Zombies, Hector Ceniceroes (Great Artist!), JE Gurley (Zombie novel Author and Dr Zom. B.) and the Chemis-tea girls!Also October 10th the Mos Eisley chapter of the Rebel legion will be at Bookmans 11am-3pm for the Official Bookmans Star wars event that's going to be HUGE!Ice Station ZombieChemis-Tea GirlsDickens TeaTucson ComiconBookmansWild Wild West Con!Tucson Steampunk Society More pictures can be found on our Facebook page

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie) and Kane (Dan). The groups getting to mix it up with the elves, dwarves and the giants...*NSFW* Vulgar poetry at the end!Quotes:'I thought money meant nothing?''I'm not like, evil....just opportunistic!''Did I start it?''used it up?''Sounds like she's siding with change.''I Don't want to go!''How the Hel am I going to compete with that?''OMG, am I still awake?''How about the most expensive place in town?''All of a sudden his words come out like honey.''I Don't want him to be mad at me!'