Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story

Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
The Icelandic Sagas Continue!: Chapter Two: Fear is at the heart of the matter!Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) & Kane (Dan) Follow The group as they get back into the 'swine' of things deep in the sewers of Reykjavík!Quote: 'My innards are on my outards!''OK, now i feel bad.''well I don't mind the water''I am not sloshing through the water!''What would you do if you were a special forces guy?'' na na na na na NEMIAN!'

Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Reposted from http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/I just had a chance to sit down with two great guys Dan and Jon from Late Knight Games to share with us thier new game MajiMonsters!Check out the great conversation!http://majimonsters.com/https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1289238857/majimonsters-the-monster-catching-tabletop-rpg;) the original character sheets were a 3" binder, thats funny since characters are called 'Binders'

Thursday Jan 08, 2015
Thursday Jan 08, 2015
HI Ragnarok and Rollers! Sorry family needs and things have come up this week so well be missing this weeks episode but I promise will make up for it with some extra things for you next week :) Please keep up the reviews, feedback and as always thank you for your support and feedback!Sith of the Old Republic- part one:December 25th, 2014Sith of the Old Republic part one:Merry Sith-mas!Well be playing Force and Destiny but set in the Old Republic cold War Era!the groups asked to play as members of the Sith Empire, join Gary ( Lord Thrain) , zander (Lord Maliki Shepard), Kerrie (Lord Tra'zara) and Kellie (Lt. Tavis Locke) and I as we Div into the Dark side. Please excuse our breaks for power/rule checks as this is our first time with these characters. I Think the group really like the game system by the end!Quote:"Please no active lightsaabers in flight""This is really the first time I've rolled......A TRIUMPH!""Do you smell burnt fur?"

Wednesday Jan 07, 2015
Wednesday Jan 07, 2015
PODCAST UPDATES AT A GLANCE! Leave a comment I hope everyone’s had a great New Year hopefully full of fun, family and gaming and maybe a little drinking (SKOL’)! The CPPN households have been abuzz with projects, gaming and holiday cheer! Creative play and podcast network: Number of current plays- 632 playsWe had a great time at the running of part two and three of our Sith game set in the Cold war era in the Old Republic era, we had fun getting Sithy with it and will be posting it as our Third Sithi-isode on the CPPN podbean site this week ! Ragnarok and Roll: Number of current plays- 5,562Looks like Itunes is still cutting off some of the earlier podcasts but we’ll keep them up on our host site Podbean! The group will be doing research on the Fear boar, Trixies new Quest she was Cursed with. DnD Journey of the fifth edition: Number of current plays- 15,464!Today we have a new episode up for D&D Journey of the Fifth edition, the Unlikely fellowship are in finding a new ally joining in their Destiny!WoW! We blasted past 15K plays! Thank you guys for listening, please keep the feedback coming the group really likes it!Also if you haven’t had a chance please help others find us on iTunes and RPGPodcasts.com by liking and reviewing us on the below links: iTunes:D&D Journey of the Fifth EditionRagnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok storyCreative Play and Podcast NetworkRPG Podcasts.com:D&D Journey of the Fifth EditionRagnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok storyCreative Play and Podcast NetworkLet us know what you think of our podcasts its been a great 5 months since our first podcast we'd just like to say thank you for your listening, your support and please keep shooting us any suggestions of games you’d like to hear us play, currently discussions being tossed around are adding one of the following games to the network: Fate/Dresden files RPG, Unhallowed Metropolis, Age of Rebellion/Edge of Empire/Force and Destiny -Jim

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Tweleve: Talk of Christmas lists and naughty and nice!Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) & Kane (Dan) Follow the group as they talk to a 'Rock' of a different grade and upgrade to Legend 4! Lets see some awesome powers start to surface in the game as the group spends thier exp. Quote: '...ARE YOU SERIOUS!''Ya laugh it up FROST!'Their is those rumors that Odin is Santa Clause''The Dwarves know exactly where...''I did not realize you were still recording...''Fans Email us what you want Frost to spend his Experiancepoints on?'

Monday Dec 08, 2014
Monday Dec 08, 2014
Welcome to out first Q&A Episode!Here's some of the off topic things we brought up:The Hammer and the Horn (Vidar Trilogy #1)" target="_blank">The Hammer and the Horn (Vidar Trilogy #1)Seekers and the Sword (Vidar Trilogy #2)The Fortress and the Fire (Vidar Trilogy #3)dnd journey of the fifth editionDungeons and RandomnessThe Formal GamerCntl alt WoWWe're AliveThe Slaughter house

Thursday Dec 04, 2014
Thursday Dec 04, 2014
It must be the END!!!!!!! Actually guys Sorry we don't have an episode for you this week, due to family obligations we couldn't get together to game Thanksgiving weekend, but we shall endeavor to activate our Loyalty virtue and bring you two episodes next week. One of those being our Q&A episode so if you have any last minute questions shoot us and an email toscionherotogod@outlook.comand we'll read them on the air.Thanks!

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Seven: Please no flash photography! Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Kane (Dan), Frost (Trevor Aka Baby), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) Continue their journey across Iceland making a saga of their own!Quote:'Oh My God were such horrible people!''We're getting cheese from the fancy part of the store''That's an epic amount of ouch!'Character sheets now up under 'Characters' tab at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/

Monday Oct 27, 2014
Monday Oct 27, 2014
The Icelandic Sagas begin: Chapter Four: Where are the boys?Welcome to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie) and Trixie (Kellie) A week after Bryn was body checked by a land Vettir, the ladys come back from the hospital to something amiss at the hotel!

Friday Oct 24, 2014
Friday Oct 24, 2014
Npc spotlight ThreeThis Exchange between the Bands mysterious new Giantess Antagonists that takes place before the Band of Scions touched down in Iceland, the dawn before Chapter One. Who are these sisters Falda & Amalia? What are they searching for? Tune in soon and find out!