Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story

Thursday Feb 18, 2016
Thursday Feb 18, 2016
I Just wanted to drop a quick Hello to everyone one and let you know we're back online!Tweet at us @CreativePPNet Subscribe to us on youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnvVC9nOmTZLViUEB7JHoZQLike us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetworkAnd Checking out new episodes of Vikings tonight!

Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Thursday Jan 21, 2016
Who are the Hoddmimis holt Foundation? where are the Lif and Lifbrasir facilities? What are their true plans?

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Who is the voice on the Recording? Who has the abilities to observe the group? what is 'The Cause'? What does it mean for the Band?Let us know your thoughts? Scion questions survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YGR995Sand also check out our general Survey for the CPPN: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KXHSCFL

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
2 GM's and a player review 'How to Game Master lie a fucking Boss!A Solid 16 on the D20 scale! Click the cover to see it on Amazon!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Kickstarters that we want to see happen: Roleplaying Spell Effects & Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery for 5e, Pathfinder and S&W!Roleplaying Spell Effects by Arcknight Semi-Transparent spell graphics printed on clear plastic to create fantastic overlays for Tabletop Roleplaying Games. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1534484023/roleplaying-spell-effects?ref=project_link&Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery for 5e, Pathfinder and S&W! by Nord Games https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nordgames/ultimate-npcs-skulduggery-for-5e-pathfinder-and-saLet us know if you enjoy this type of episode or heck, if theirs any kickstarter you think is cool and want to share!

Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Awkward Family moments...As Trixie parties like its the night before Ragnarok, she runs into more awkward family moments.....

Thursday Jan 07, 2016
Thursday Jan 07, 2016
*NSFW* This episode brought to you by Black Heart rum!Very lightly edited and extreme Language! *Caution Star wars TFA Spoilers* New Years Eve....Gamers....Booze...and Fortune and Glory! (Reposted from http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/)

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
of Thor and Giants
Odin encountered the giant Hrungnir at Griotunagardar (frontier of Giantland), where he told the frost-giant there was no better horse in the Giantland than his own (Sleipnir). Angry at this challenge Hrungnir pursued Odin in his own horse Gullfaxi.
When he arrived in Asgard, the Aesir welcomed him, with Freyja serving him ale that Thor usually drank from. As Hrungnir became drunk, he was boasting and becoming more hostile. Hrungnir told the Aesir that he would move Valhalla to Jötunheim, and destroy Asgard and the gods. However, he would keep Freyja and Sif as his concubines.
Thor arrived and challenged Hrungnir to fight him. Hrungnir agreed, only if Thor met him at Griotunagardar, since he had not brought weapon with him.
At Griotunagardar, the giants did not like the prospect of Hrungnir losing the fight to Thor, so they created a giant made of clay, which they called Mokkurkalfi. This clay-giant stood nine leagues tall and three leagues wide, and it had the heart of a large mare.
Hrungnir had a heart of stone. His head was also made of stone. The giant had a shield of stone and a large whetstone as a weapon.
Thor saw Mokkurkalfi standing beside Hrungnir. However, instead of frightening Thor, the sight of Thor caused the clay-giant to feel enough fear to wet himself. Thor came with his servant named Thialfi, who ran ahead to speak with Hrungnir.
Thialfi deceived Hrungnir that Thor was coming towards him, from underground route and attack the giant from below. Hrungnir believed Thialfi, so he placed his shield on the ground and stood on top of it.
Thor charged across the plain and threw Mjollnir at Hrungnir, at the same time the giant hurled his whetstone at the thunder-god. The Mjollnir broke the whetstone in two. Half of it landed on the ground; the other half struck and lodged itself in Thor's head. Thor fell to the ground, at the impact of the whetstone.
The Mjollnir continued its flight and shattered Hrungnir's stone head. Hrungnir fell dead and landed on top of Thor. The giant's legs broke off from his body, the legs pinning Thor's neck to the ground. Thialfi easily despatched Mokkurkalfi.
Thor had trouble getting the Hrungnir's heavy legs off him. Thialfi tried to remove the legs off, but couldn't budge it. None of the Aesir, who arrived could help Thor, until Magni, the three-year-old son of Thor and the giantess Jarnsaxa, arrived and removed the legs from Thor. Thor rewarded his son by giving Hrungnir's horse (Gullfaxi) to Magni.
Thor returned to Thrudvangar, to have the whetstone removed from his head by the sorceress Groa, wife of Aurvandil the Bold. Aurvandil the Bold had been riding on a basket, which Thor was carrying, when the god wade through the river Elivager, in the Giantland. Since one of Aurvandil's feet was sticking out of the basket, one toe got frozen. Thor broke off Aurvandil's toe, and threw it into the sky, becoming a star, called Aurvandil's Toe. But Thor distracted Groa with this tiding, during her spell, so that the whetstone remained in his head.

Thursday Dec 24, 2015