Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story
Season 1

Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
I got hit with the 30-day RPG Challenge, and was asked to begin my responses.

Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
I got hit with the 30-day RPG Challenge, and was asked to begin my responses.

Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
I got hit with the 30-day RPG Challenge, and was asked to begin my responses.

Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). Follow The group as The Band has a run in with the law.Quotes:'Their not stupid!''YES, they are!''Damn!''My real dad!''people may want to start donating dice!'+'Stunt it up!''There should be a Trophy!?!'

Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Thursday Jul 30, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). Follow The group as The Band has a run in with the law.Quotes:'wounds heal, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever!''I cheat!''That's right up our alley''Ya we're not trespassing much!''I don't remember breaking anything here before''This Man be creepy...''I can create wide-spread panic!'

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
*Huge NSFW warning!*Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). Follow The group as The Band has a run in with the law.Quotes:'The Phalli's with the Challis''That's what you get!''It fits so well inside my hand''I'm sorry somebody absconded with it''That's not a Zero, its a TEN!'every persons heart just died a bit!'

Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). Follow The group as The Band visits a 900 year old Monastery.Quotes:'sort of like modern developments in the U.S.''your still hot, your just muscular and hot!''I'll spend the legend for the perfect dress''you made it all about Bryan, now its all about you!''its a healthy relationship...he's still alive.''Ocean eleven with Fairies'

Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetworkHi Folks we recorded a special episode for our one year Anniversary!

Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Npc spotlight FourCreativeplaypodcastnet@gmail.comThis Exchange is between those mysterious Frost Giantess Antagonists that takes place while the Band of Scions are on the River cruise. Who are these sisters Falda & Amalia? What are they planning in Budapest? Tune in soon and find out!

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Welcome back to Ragnarok and Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok a story and podcast of Epic Adventure. Join us as we play whitewolfs Scion RPGJoin our Band of Scions: Bryn (Sandy, Aka mom), Thora (Kerrie), Trixie (Kellie), Lt. Frost (Trevor) and Kane (Dan). Follow The group as The Band visits a hostel.Quotes: