Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story

Season 1


Saturday Sep 01, 2018

Check out http://zombierodentproductions.daportfolio.com/
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Saturday Sep 01, 2018

#RPGADAY2018 AUGUST 17th Describe the best compliment you've had gaming
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Saturday Sep 01, 2018

#RPGADAY2018 AUGUST 16th Describe your plans for your next game
Games....we need more games!!!
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Saturday Sep 01, 2018

#RPGADAY2018 AUGUST 15th Describe a tricky RPG experience you enjoyed.
Tricky, tricky, tricky…
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Saturday Sep 01, 2018

#RPGADAY2018 AUGUST 14th Describe a failure that became amazing
 Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/ And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodca

Friday Aug 31, 2018

RPGaDay2018 August 13th Describe how your play has evolved
#RPGaDAY2018 DAY 13: Describe how your play has evolved
Remember to keep on evolving and trying new things!
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/ And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Friday Aug 31, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 August 12th Wildest Character Concept
I feel kind of mild in this answer today! But check out our Mercs: a Galaxy of Destruction, Star Wars group for some wild ones!
Learn more about RPGaDay here: http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/ And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Friday Aug 31, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 August 11th Wildest character name?We ask the new 'Mercs, a Galaxy of Destruction' our August 11th question: Wildest character name?Join Eli, AJ, Ian, Gary, Xander and me for todays question.
 Dr Bedlam was Garys name.
Learn more about RPGaDay here:http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppnFollow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Friday Aug 31, 2018

Legions of creatures are invading and only you, the Chosen, can enter the Lost Lands to fight back, and face the horror of the Anonassi...but first check out the Kickstarter here:
I was lucky enough to get to chat with Ed Jowett from Shades of Vengeance and to talk about their newest addition to the Era series of RPG games. Currently Era: The Chosen is live on Kickstarter and has funded with still 20 days left to go to unlock more fantastic stretch goals so please check it out!
Check out their Facebook group to talk with other GMS and swap stories with other Chosen here:
and on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shades_of_Venge
Check out the YouTube things we mentioned on the episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j7TRgXlg6U
Check out their books on Drivethru RPG here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/8156/Shades-of-Vengeance?affiliate_id=49631
Seriously check out all those Quick start guides!!!!
"I’m a universe builder really."
For Those Resident Evil and Zombie fanrs check out Era: Survival for a great Zombie game:
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn I think we need Septembers one shot to be the Era quick starter!
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Friday Aug 10, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 August 10th How has Gaming Changed You?
From confidance to family time being the family that slays together RPG are a positive force of change in life!
"Come back to geekery"
Again tonight we chat with Kellie, Joclyne, Evie, Sandy and myself
Find Evies stuff at:
Find Madame Askew at:
Learn more about RPGaDay here:http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/its-almost-that-time-again-for-rpgaday/
 Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
 Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppnFollow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

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