Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story

Ragnarök & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarök story of Epic adventure of a group of Scions working together to prevent Ragnarök the Twilight of the gods. Follow our RPG group in this realplay podcast.

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Thursday Aug 02, 2018

#RPGaDay2018 August 2nd What do you look for in an RPG?   
We have a few different opinions on that so please enjoy Kellie, jocelynne (@MadameAskew) and my answers to the second question of the year!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Thursday Aug 02, 2018

RPGaDay 2018 – August 1st What do you love about RPGs?
#RPGaDay2018 – August 1st What do you love about RPGs? What do we love about RPGs? We have a few different opinions on that so please enjoy Kellie, jocelynne (@MadameAskew) and my answers to the first question of the year!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Follow along on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CreativePlayandPodcastNetwork/
And Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/creativeplayandpodcast

Thursday Mar 08, 2018

Our message for International Women's Day
Meet the lady Gamers Kellie and Jocelyne who want to talk about International Women's Day (IWD) and were celebrating it this year at Tucson Games and Gadgets. On March 8 and I think this is a new tradition for every year! Today on International Women's Day we commemorate the movement for women's rights.
While the first observance of a Women's Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, the 1910 International Woman’s Conference suggested March 8 to become an "International Woman's Day."
Please be grateful for all the ladies at the gaming tables and lets all be allies to each other while sharing and respecting each other at the table and outside the hobbies we love!
Tucson Games and Gadgets: https://www.tucsongamesandgadgets.com/
Check out our KickStarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1540288459/help-launch-season-five-of-dnd-journey-of-the-fift
Our Scion podcast and Trixie can be found here: https://ragnarokandroll.podbean.com/
Please support our show at  WWW.patreon.com/cppn
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?

Saturday Feb 24, 2018

Part Two of Two of our holiday one shot!
What kind of Scion group would you be interested in for 2018? join in the conversation here:
On this special day love in all its forms flourishes across the world of mortals thanks to the actions of a certain scion of Aphrodite who two millennia ago insisted in the divine right of sharing love and bringing all couples together.
On this day to celebrate that saint and scion, the goddess Aphrodite sheds off her divinity to come to the mortal plane and serve as the goddess's priestess at the Chapel of divine love in Las Vegas, Nevada and then traditionally heads to the City of Love. In Paris she goes to complete an act of divine love to refresh and worship all the virtues of love among the mortals and usually concluding with the consummation of a future scion...but not this day.
This day something is different, something is wrong... 
Something has held Aphrodite from her normal rituals. Worse something is wrong in the mortal plane! Some dark effect, obviously of Titan origin is darkening and cursing the earthly virtues of love (as reflected in most notably Expression and Loyalty) with extreme reflections of the Titans Dark Virtues of Ambition, Malice, Rapacity and Zealotry.
The Band is being  assembled…
Check out our Kickstarter for this year at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1540288459/help-launch-season-five-of-dnd-journey-of-the-fift# drop us a comment of what you would like on it!
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppn Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Saturday Feb 24, 2018

Part One of Two of our holiday one shot!
On this special day love in all its forms flourishes across the world of mortals thanks to the actions of a certain scion of Aphrodite who two millennia ago insisted in the divine right of sharing love and bringing all couples together.
On this day to celebrate that saint and scion, the goddess Aphrodite sheds off her divinity to come to the mortal plane and serve as the goddess's priestess at the Chapel of divine love in Las Vegas, Nevada and then traditionally heads to the City of Love. In Paris she goes to complete an act of divine love to refresh and worship all the virtues of love among the mortals and usually concluding with the consummation of a future scion...but not this day.
This day something is different, something is wrong... 
Something has held Aphrodite from her normal rituals. Worse something is wrong in the mortal plane! Some dark effect, obviously of Titan origin is darkening and cursing the earthly virtues of love (as reflected in most notably Expression and Loyalty) with extreme reflections of the Titans Dark Virtues of Ambition, Malice, Rapacity and Zealotry.
The Band is being  assembled…
Check out our Kickstarter for this year at:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1540288459/help-launch-season-five-of-dnd-journey-of-the-fift#drop us a comment of what you would like on it!
Please support our shows at  www.patreon.com/cppnWould you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Thursday Aug 17, 2017

#RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Which RPG have you owned the longest but not played?

Thursday Aug 17, 2017

#RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Which RPG do you enjoy using as is?

Tuesday Aug 15, 2017

 #RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
What RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?

Monday Aug 14, 2017

 #RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn
Which RPG do you prefer for open-ended campaign play?

Monday Aug 14, 2017

#RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
See more at http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/
Our other podcast https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.podbean.com/
And please listen and support us at https://www.patreon.com/cppn

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